Mercer Island Chiropractic and Massage E-News
March 2010

The 7 No BS Rules to Creating a Meal Plan
Vince DelMonte

Why is there so much information available on how to eat? Not only is there too much information but there are so many options to choose from when creating a nutrition plan? One book suggests high fat is the best for everyone, while a new bestseller has discovered the 'secret' with high carbs for everyone, and then your friend swears by high protein for everyone. Different experts are telling you to base your food choices on your blood type, metabolic type, or the day of the week you were born.

Conflicting guidance is everywhere, and you’re stuck in the middle. Perhaps you should get a degree in nutritional biochemistry to get rid of those stubborn love handles. Do you ever wonder if anyone out there even knows what they’re talking about, or whether the experts will ever reach a consensus on anything? Maybe they will all agree to pull their books from the shelves and agree to leave the "best" one there for everyone to read. Yeah right, not while the nutrition industry is a billion dollar industry, and even the KFC Kernel is fighting for your nutritional dollar with low carb battered wings.
So what’s the deal? Why is there so much confusion? Should you be eating like a caveman, or eating in the "zone," or perhaps eating on the beach diet? Most of the people I meet just want to eat like a modern-North American and not ending up looking like a Sumo Warrior.

Even as a fitness expert, I agree that these days, there are too many bongs and symbols of noise from experts drowning out the signal of truth.
I am reassured daily in my office by new overweight gym members that they know what and how to eat. The problem is, and most admit, not that there is not enough information but that they don't use the information they already have. Until they do start using the information that they have, we will continue to witness a steadily increasing rate of obesity, an increase in nutrition-related mortality and nutrition-related illness (diabetes, CVD, Syndrome X).
I have come to the conclusion that the root problem of people not achieving their fitness goals is not that we know too little but that we know too much. We already know everything we need to know about the fundamental principles to achieve a healthily and toned body. The principles have been there for years but, unfortunately, we have hundreds of experts selling you on the small ten percent difference (and often relatively unimportant) of their diet/eating plans to fight for your next nutritional dollar.

In the experts' defense, I'm not accusing nutrition experts of being quacks. Although there are definitely diets out there not even worth discussion. I believe that most nutrition experts, do indeed, know what they are talking about, can get results, and truly endorse their formulas. If you examine ten different nutrition diets from any bookstore, don't be surprised if you discover that they actually all agree in the key fundamentals completely. What they are selling you on is a minor ten percent difference that makes their program better than the other guys

I believe that any nutrition plan can work if you follow it. The Atkins program works for all patients under the direct care of the Atkins Team, as long as patients follow it. The Zone program works for all patients under the direct care of the Sears team as long as they follow it. The Pritkin Diet works for all patients under the care of the Pritkin team as long as they follow it. My 12-Week Destination Transformation Program works if the clients follow it.
So, if none of these meal plans are created equal, how do they all work? That's why I've compiled the basic fundamental principles that are more important than the ratios of protein to carbs to fats.

The 7 No BS Rules to Creating a Meal Plan-

Here are the rules I use every day with my own personal training clients.
These aren’t the newest techniques from the latest cutting-edge plan. Rather, they are simple, time-tested, no nonsense habits that you need to get into when designing a good eating program.

1. Eat every 2-3 hours, to build muscle, no matter what. Eat every 3-4 hours to lose fat, no matter what. You should eat between 5-8 meals per day. Remember, you body was designed to survive, not to be beautiful and strong. When your body does not get fuel, your metabolism slows to store fat as a survival mechanism. Think of your metabolism as a fire. What's the best way to keep a fire going? Throw little bits of kindling on it every 2-4 hours or a big log every 6-7 hours? That's right, smaller more frequent wood all day!

2. Eat complete (containing all the essential amino acids), lean protein with each meal. Your best sources coming from egg whites, skim milk, beef, chicken, fish, lean steak, lean cuts of deli meat, cottage cheese, cheese and whey protein powder.

3. Eat fruits and/or vegetables with each food meal. Focus on eating a variety from each.

4. Ensure that your carbohydrate intake comes from fruits and vegetables.
Exception: workout and post-workout drinks and meals should come from more sugary carbohydrates such as juice or Gatorade or a post workout supplement drink.

5. Ensure that 25-35% of your energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (e.g. animal fat), monounsaturates (e.g., olive oil), and polyunsaturates (e.g. flax oil, salmon oil).

6. Drink only non-calorie containing beverages, the best choices being water and green tea. Avoid juices and sodas throughout the day at all cost. Aim to drink at least 4 liters of water a day to be on the safe side.

7. Eat mostly whole foods (except workout and post-workout drinks).
So, what about calories, or macronutrient ratios, or any number of other things that you've read before? Let's put it this way. If you are not eating like this at least 90% of the week than everything else is pretty pointless. I take almost all my clients to a very high level in their fitness by simply following these habits. It will take awhile to hit a threshold in your training until you master these habits. Many people can achieve their dream body and optimal state of health buy simply avoiding the BS out there and putting these rules into place. No kidding!

It is our goal to help as many patients as possible. Please tell others how they can benefit from chiropractic care.

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We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. - B.J. Palmer

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