Mercer Island Chiropractic and Massage E-News
March 2010

You Should Help To Improve Your Immune System
Alfred Jones

When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

Everyone was born with an immune system. It is the natural protection that was given to us for defense against infections, germs, diseases, invaders and microorganisms that the body faces on a daily basis. The immune system attacks anything that invades the human body that is likely to cause illness or disease, and it is made up of cells, proteins, organs, and tissues. All the cells initially come from the bone marrow, which also produces red blood cells and platelets. The cells that are a part of your defending system are white cells, and they are stored in many places around the body, including the spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and in bone marrow. The white cells circulate around the organs and lymph nodes by what is called the lymphatic system. They also travel along the blood circulatory system. They are well organized for visiting every part of your body. This is the reason why they are so important and essential for good health.

These cells communicate with each other all the time. When two cells meet, they "eye" each other up and down to see if the other has a problem. If one has something wrong then help is called to repair the cell. If it is beyond repair, it is eliminated completely from the system. This is called cellular communication.

There are millions of these immune cells throughout your body, working all the time to keep you in good health, day and night. If they are looked after properly, they will work efficiently and fight all the invaders. But if they are starved of the right nutrition through poor food and unhealthy behaviors, like takeaways, alcohol abuse, smoking or drug abuse, then they start falling over, and you start picking up illnesses or diseases, or they become confused and start working on the wrong things. This is when you can start to develop autoimmune diseases like diabetes. They attack the insulin producing cells. Any of the other complaints like arthritis, multiple sclerosis and perhaps even age related happenings may be due to a poor functioning immune system.

The cells of the immune system must be kept in a balanced state, called immune system modulation. This means that the cells must be fed so that they work efficiently, without becoming confused in what they are doing. They must repel all invaders that can harm the body, but they also must not attack any of your own body systems. So things have to be balanced. There is only one way to ensure that the immune system is functioning efficiently and properly, and that is by ensuring that it gets the correct natural nutrition needed to make this happen. The poor old immune system has to fight all the pollution, pesticides, chemicals, gasses and poisons that were never in existence when humans were first created. So the first and most important necessity is natural nutrition. The two best natural nutrition supplements available today is the Goji Berry, which is grown naturally in the Himalayas for over 3000, years and is now available as a delicious tasting fruit juice. The second one is Glyconutrients, the eight natural essential sugars that heal. If you want to achieve or maintain good health, the immune system is the first thing you should be checking out, as soon as possible.

It is our goal to help as many patients as possible. Please tell others how they can benefit from chiropractic care.

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